Puntos de venta por ciudades, provincia, autonomía, países,...

Una gran arma de marketing que genera clientes de confianza y marca de empresa

Distribuidor / Tienda, demande a su proveedor de alimentos o vinos que le apoye mediante mapas de puntos de venta . Su uso

Distributor / Shop, ask your food or wine supplier to support you through point-of-sale maps . Using it

Distribuïdor / Botiga, demani al seu proveïdor d'aliments o vins que li doni suport mitjançant mapes de punts de venda . Fer-ne us

We export wines and food from Spain. Demand it to winesinform@gmail.com

Puede pedir vinos y alimentos de España a winesinform@gmail.com

On the work of buyer . Sobre el trabajo de comprador .

See some products and prices at Perennial tender - Oportunidad permanente

Vea algunos productos y precios en Perennial tender - Oportunidad permanente

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

¿Qué personalidad tiene un comprador de vinos internacional? Criterios de Bibendum PLB Group, del Reino Unido

Esta entrada muestra el anuncio actual de búsqueda de un comprador de vinos para España, Portugal y Francia por parte de Bibendum ( www.plb.co.uk - www.bibendum-wine.co.uk)

El papel del comprador de vinos o alimentos es clave para el funcionamiento de una empresa. 

En mi opinión exige una actitud humanística que le permitirá seleccionar productos que hagan relevante y útil su empresa para los consumidores y para el país en general. 

También una capacidad de negociar empática que responda a la filosofía "win win" (Ganamos todos). 

Finalmente debe ser consciente de las necesidades y limitaciones económicas y personales de la propia empresa para la que trabaja

Información y comentarios emitidos por Wines Inform Assessors

Texto del anuncio:

Bibendum PLB Group: Wine Buyer

Wine Buyer
Bibendum PLB recruiting for unique role as Wine Buyer for France, Spain and Portugal to purchase wine for all four wines sales channels of Bibendum, PLB, Walker & Wodehouse and Wondering Wine Company.
Bibendum PLB Group is a multi-channel drinks business whose mission is to provide the best quality and most interesting drinks portfolio across the UK and European marketplace. The wine buying team source, select and negotiate from over 200 wine suppliers across the planet for the four wines sales companies of Bibendum, PLB, Walker & Wodehouse and Wondering Wine Company. This Buying role is responsible for our diverse and exciting supply base from France (excluding Champagne), Spain and Portugal.
  • Selection of wine portfolio from the responsible countries
  • Negotiate all product pricing for all wine sales channels
  • Work collaboratively with the suppliers to devise the most balanced and commercially relevant portfolio
  • Work cross-functionally internally to maximise sales opportunity
  • Be closely aligned with the sales teams to drive sales and articulate clearer on the Supplier/Wine USPs
  • Act as a true expert in the buying categories both internally and externally
  • Relative buying experience
  • Master of Wine preferable
  • Languages preferable
  • Business knowledge of retailers/sales, supply chain, finance and IT
  • Technical skills within negotiation, supplier management and trade planning
  • Financial/commercial awareness
This is a fulltime London office based role. If you would like to apply for this role, please send in your CV and covering letter to jointheteam@bibendum-wine.co.uk including your notice period and salary expectations.

 Ver anuncio en Harpers

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