Plantea problemas y actitudes de diferentes protagonistas
en relación a los precios bajos de la exportación de vinos españoles
Wines Inform Assessors - "El ojo amigo". Asesoría de empresas - "The friendly eye" Business assessment - "L'ull amic" Assessoria d'empreses
c/ Constància, 18. 08719 Castellolí (Barcelona). Spain
T.(+34) 93 808 40 85 Skype: winesinform YouTube: winesinform
Wines Inform - El ojo amigo
Responsable de Wines Inform Assessors. Marketing en Inka Palets Barcelona.Marketing en Star Cork Spain.Tapones de corcho
I think the key point is to offer a fair price....
More than wineries offering low prices , in my experience, is people -normally not serious- demanding sow low prices that are not real or that not are interesting because the objective of a producer (winery or others) is to establish confident and permanent relations with importers
A good low priced wine can be found in Spain at a supermarket (that buys huge quantities and for years have maintained the relation with the winery, assuring buying and perspectives of future) at 1,70 euro.
Knowing margins , probably this wine has been delivered at 1 to 1,20 euro) .. the cork is not the best and the quality has some variations between bottles but in general is a good wine)....that means that to demand a wine by pallets at less of 1,50 euro - 1,70 euro exworks in Spain is not possible as a good operation for final consumers, wineries nor serious importers
Wines Inform - El ojo amigo
Responsable de Wines Inform Assessors. Marketing en Inka Palets Barcelona.Marketing en Star Cork Spain.Tapones de corcho
To put numbers on this discussion:
".vinos a granel sin denominación de origen protegida (DOP), .....La causa radica en una fuerte subida de precios del 31,1%, hasta situarse en los 59 céntimos por litro. Por otra parte, los vinos con IGP, también han contribuido negativamente al volumen de venta: sus exportaciones se han reducido casi la mitad (-44%). Registran la mayor subida relativa de precios entre el conjunto de vinos exportados con un +52,7% hasta 1,37 euros por litro. Lo que moderó en gran medida la caída en valor (-14,5%)...." from an official information very detailed that you can see at
The average price of a liter of wine in bulk was of 0,59 euro at 2013
You can see more recent prices of 2014 at : "...El precio medio de la venta de todos los vinos bajó hasta 1,36 euros litro consecuencia de unos precios medios para el envasado de unos 2,45 euros litro, pero sobre todo por una nueva caída en los vinos a granel hasta los 0,30 euros litro...."
But at last for me is more important the philosphy you said in your web: "InterBrosa S.L. offers a good price/quality ratio which leaves you room for healthy profit margins"
I wish to think that the "you" that appear is for all parts in the business (producer, buyer,...)
Puede pedir vinos y alimentos de España a
Pot demanar vi i aliments de Espanya a
What credibility has an importer seeking low prices - even below the cost of production?
How credible is that importer against its suppliers and especially against the consumers of his country?
I'm treating with Importers in Japan, Sweden, ... and one of my concerns is not only sell a product but create a relation with the best part of other people in the world.
As an example, today is "Sant Jordi" day in Catalonia, see , where people opens the streets celebrating this holiday with gifts of roses and books. I explain this to my contact in Japan and give him contacts in Japan of expatriated people living in Japan
On wich wines we are talking?
if you look at you can see that the prices in 2013 for bulk wine were 59 cent euro and for bottled wines with DO 1,37 euro/liter (a very low prices also due to massive produced wines)
Today I receive an offer from a reputed wine merchant in Spain. Look the prices (so high in my opinion. I always look as sourcer and consumer good quality/price products). I put price of a French wine offered at the same occasion by this merchant as a price reference:
Pazo Señoráns Selección de Añada 2007 Rías Baixas Price. 32,65 €
A Pita Miuda 2013 Ribeiro Price. 24,30 €
Domaines Lupier La Dama 2011 Price. 35,95 €
You can see comparisons between countries at
El problema es, en mi opinión, de toda la cadena de distribución.
Una bodega que vende un producto de baja calidad, un intermediario/comprador que no refuerza su marca como agente y que quizás tampoco gana suficiente trabajando con esos precios, una tienda que vende un mal producto y un consumidor que se siente engañado
No soy defensor de los precios altos pero si de los precios justos para todas las partes del proceso, incluyendo especialmente la más importante: El consumidor final
The problem is, in my opinion, for the whole distribution chain.
A winery that sells a product of low quality, a broker / buyer that does not strengthen its brand as an agent and that may not earn enough to work with these prices, a shop selling a bad product and a consumer who feels cheated
I am not advocate of high prices but of fair prices to all parts of the process, including specially the most important: The final consumer
Pienso en que música puede responder al sentimiento de este artículo. De nuevo caigo en la ayuda del cantante/músico iraní Alaa Wardi (ver Alimentos auténticos.Vida libre y auténtica)
Alaa es un hombre anclado a su cultura propia pero a la vez con una visión global del mundo que le hace colaborar con gente de diferentes países y compartir diferentes maneras de verse/vernos